As we have shared with you all, this year's crop has faced many challenges during the important growing months. When difficult times present themselves, human nature compels us to look for ways to rise above and persevere. We have chosen a few of these wise phrases from our moms that are defining and guiding us as we embark on this 2017 Peach Season:#1 DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER….. The fruit we will have available this year may appear a little different than in years past. They may look more like tear drops and hearts than peaches…. but they will still have their same sweet, delicious taste and juiciness we all love. We know that you will enjoy and be intrigued with the many shapes and sizes of this year's crop.#2 NEVER LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH….. This phrase refers to being unappreciative and questioning of a gift. Pearson Farm is taking this one seriously. With the obstacles this crop has been presented, having a single peach is truly a miracle. We understand that these little, fuzzy, sweet gems that survived are fighters. Hey ya'll, these peaches are a gift, and we are grateful for every single one!#3 MAKE LEMONADE OUT OF LEMONS…. In a season like this, Pearson Farm could have thrown our hands up and given in to the disappointment that comes with factors out of our control. BUT…. We chose to keep on trucking and find ways to make the most of the best we've been given. We are embracing the peaches we will have this year and look forward to sharing them with you. We are taking this opportunity to make some exciting changes to our Farm Store. These improvements and additions will allow us to provide a Farmers Market style shopping experience. Don't worry, you can still watch the peaches run down the packing line and enjoy the same delicious peach ice cream and homemade treats we've always had…… it just might be a little cooler
Please mark your calendars for Friday, May 26. Our retail store will open at 9:00 with our field run peaches that are hand-picked daily. The ice cream will be churning and we might even have a few new treats to tempt your taste buds. We look forward to seeing you all real soon at Pearson Farm