We are hopeful that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with Family, Friends, Fellowship, and Fabulous Food that included a pecan pie or 2 made with Pearson Farm pecans. As we finish this Thanksgiving season, we thought it only fitting to end with thankful thoughts from Mr. Al……I was asked to write about Thanksgiving and never considered how tough a task it would be to put your thoughts on paper for the world to read. Some thanks are obvious and personal and real, but that's not what crossed my mind. I thought about others--- people in all walks of life who play an indispensable role in our community, our country, our LIFE. I think of preachers, the postman, a carpenter and plumber, teachers and farmers, cooks and servers, the trash man, artists, writers, musicians, doctors, nurses, law enforcement officers, and judges, shopkeepers, the military and the politicians, secretaries, pilots, and programmers, computer experts and architects, volunteers and counselors, coaches, construction workers, engineers, parents and grandparents. All people who in some way impact how we work, how we cope, how we LIVE. How can I not be thankful to each and everyone? Not for their impact on my life- but on LIFE ITSELF. In this message and hopefully in my daily actions and attitude, I say Thank You….
Al Pearson