It seems like yesterday, we were praying for our sweet little peach trees and their delicate blooms to make it through the last frost of Spring, yet here we are having picked, packed, and shipped the last box of Pearson Farm peaches for the 2018 season. Despite only harvesting 50% of a crop, this peach season saw some unprecedented activity. This crop allowed us to ship more gift pack peaches from our Farm to your door than ever. We made more batches of sweet creamy peach ice cream and greeted more friendly faces in our Retail Store than we could begin to count. We are humbled and ever so grateful to you, our customers for your loyalty and dedication to Pearson Farm. We offered a special Prince Subscription to our mail order customers. Those who took advantage of this unique opportunity were blessed with seven weeks of Prince Peaches as well as an interesting peach education resulting in many more Peach Fans! We truly enjoyed preparing each weeks special boxes and are already making plans for another special subscription next Peach Season! This season we continued our partnership with the Plant A Row for the Hungry initiative in Fayette County. Throughout the summer, their mighty band of volunteers picked up and distributed 2506- ½ bushel boxes equaling 62,650 pounds of peaches to over 30 different agencies serving the hungry and needy residents of Fayette and surrounding counties. Of all the partnerships we have at Pearson Farm, this one holds a special place in our hearts. The highlight of the summer was growing the World's Largest Peach! Our Early August Prince variety produced a peach weighing 1.8 pounds, breaking the current world record of 1.7 pounds held by a farm in Canada. We are still waiting for the official confirmation from Guinness, but we have enjoyed a fair amount of interesting press coverage for the feat. As we begin a few days of rest for our weary backs and hands, we are able to pause and reflect on this season. We are so grateful that the good Lord chose to bless us with another bountiful season allowing us to share our bounty with you. It's not goodbye, just so long till Pecan Season.