For as long as I can remember, a blue magnet shaped like a scroll with the words “Prayer Changes Things” hung on the door of the refrigerator at my house growing up. It's one of those crazy things I took for granted as a child but when I see it hanging on my own refrigerator today, I am transported to times spent in that kitchen cooking with my mother and eating meals around our family table. Prayer was a constant in our life, and that little blue magnet has become a daily reminder of the importance prayer holds for all of us. As we slowly move through the first days of spring, we are constantly in prayer for the 2017 Peach Season. We are seeing daily evidence of the power of these prayers. Trumping the fact that we haven't had enough chill hours during the dormant months, was the freeze we experienced last week. Several orchards are already in full bloom and some trees have baby peaches on their limbs. Thankfully, a wind was sent to blow all night during the frigid temperatures preventing a heavy frost from forming, and had it not been for the warm winter causing the early bloom, this crop would have been a complete loss. Inexplicably, on many of these trees, the limbs have dead peaches and LIVE ones on the same branches. The fact that we can find live peaches in every orchard means we still have a crop. As I spoke with Lawton this week for an update, he reminded me that, “as always, the One who is actually in control of growing this crop has His own plan…” and as we all know, His plan may not be our plan but He is good and will provide. So for now, we continue to pray, for we know….. “Prayer Changes Things”