The 2017 peach season has officially started and with that comes the opening of our Farm store. We open the store every summer to sell our sweet, juicy Georgia peaches, and we are fortunate to have the best “kids” show up to work every season.For years, peach farms relied on local teenage and young adult labor to work in the fields and packing houses. With the shortened summer vacations offered by our school systems, local kids have less
time to offer seasonal employers. Thankfully, our Farm store is still able to utilize high school and college students to greet and serve our guests. This season, we have some who are returning for their 5th year, while others are new to the Farm. They arrive every morning with a smile, ready to face the day with excitement, strength and grace. Their energy is contagious, and believe me when I tell you, their futures are bright! These young people share a work ethic and love for Pearson Farm that makes us proud to have them spending their summer breaks with us.
We invite you come out to the Farm and meet them; experience a little of their excitement and southern hospitality. While you're here, you might as well let them fix you a mile, high ice cream cone or share their knowledge about our peaches and pecans. (Did I mention that they're pretty smart too

)Our doors are open Monday – Saturday 9:00 am until 5:30 pm. We hope to see you soon…….