Kerry's story starts many years before he came to Pearson Farm. He worked for a local furniture company in the late 80's and was involved in an accident that amputated most of his hand and fingers. A devastating injury that certainly changed his life and impacted the type of work he would be able to do in the future. After recovering, he went to work for a car dealership and then later a recycling facility but in early 2015, he found himself looking for a job. He called on his nephew to see if he could help get him a job at the Farm he worked for and guess what Farm that was??? You guessed it, Pearson Farm. He was granted an interview and Lawton hired him in February of 2015. Kerry told me that he is so grateful for his job at Pearson Farm and appreciates everything Lawton and the Farm has done for him. As I've spent my afternoon thinking about Kerry and our time together, I may have figured out why Kerry was so quick with his answer. He, like the rest of us, know what it means to be a part of this "FAMILY." Kerry, we are thankful for the work ethic you exhibit every day. Welcome to the "FAMILY"

Newest Member of The FAMILY
Pearson Farm "FAMILY" Friday..... I had the privilege of meeting Pearson Farm's newest employee for this week's post. His name is Kerry and he works for Lawton. He drives our tractors, mows ours orchards, runs herbicide rigs and pulls peach wagons to and from the packing house. When I asked Kerry how long he had worked at the Farm he was quick with his answer, "a year and a month." Later as I was preparing this post I thought again about how quickly he answered my question. He hadn't been given information about why he was coming to see me so he didn't have prepared answers. He had just shown up because Lawton had asked him too. So his quick answer really got me thinking. If I had been asked the same question, would I be able to spout it out so quickly..... and my answer was absolutely not. So why did he know exactly how long he had been working here??