Moving Day
I'm not sure what the weather is like in your neck of the woods, but it is definitely starting to feel like spring out on the Farm. The peaches are beginning to bloom in preparation for the new season. We'll tell you more about that in the coming weeks, but today I wanted to share a story about a different kind of new beginning. So yesterday Frank called to see if I wanted to come watch him move a pecan tree. I'm always up for a farming lesson especially, if it involves a field trip so I said yes, grabbed my keys and headed up the road. I found Frank with a particularly interesting piece of equipment at the edge of an old orchard. He pointed out the spot he would dig the hole for the tree he was moving. I stood mesmerized as I watched this VERY LARGE machine with what looked like 4 HUGE shovels dig the hole. I'm sure I looked like a nut with my mouth hanging open, but this was the coolest thing I had ever seen, and it took less than 5 minutes to dig this massive hole!! Frank let me ride with him in this giant contraption to another orchard where he dropped the dirt before heading over to the tree he was going to move. As soon as we made our way down the row, I immediately knew which tree was being relocated. You see when you are transplanting trees, it is imperative that you prepare it to the very best of your ability to ensure its survival in its new home. You must crop the top so it only stands about 18-20 feet tall. Then the limbs are cut to make the top balanced with the bottom, and finally the roots are clipped to keep them from tearing when it is lifted out of the ground. This particular tree, despite its straggly appearance, stood tall awaiting Frank and this massive machine coming to uproot it from its current home and take it to a new one. The removal was just as quick and equally as impressive as the hole digging had been earlier. As we drove back to make the transplant, I couldn't help but be concerned about this tree. Frank assured me that right now the tree is dormant so it will recover quickly from the move. They have prepared it well, and it's only needs are fresh dirt and water to acclimate to its new environment. However, I know that there will be watchful eyes on this young tree for many weeks to come ensuring that it is adjusting to its new home I am constantly captivated by the parallels I find between these trees and children. They both need preparation for changes that are coming their way, and they both need a nurturing, loving, caring home to thrive and become bountiful …… happy moving day!!