For many generations, the Pearson family and the Daniels family have planted roots in the red clay soil of Lee Pope, Georgia.  These two families have lived on and loved this land and the peach trees that adorn it for decades.  Located in the heart of Lee Pope, a brisk five-minute walk apart, are the homes of Lawton's great-grandfather, John Pearson, and Will Daniels, or Grandpa Will, as he was known by his granddaughter, Nettie Daniels.  Nettie was born on May 8th, 1950 to Fred and Zadie Daniels, the second of 11 children.  She currently lives in the same white house on Lee Pope Road that she was born in seventy-three years ago.  

Nettie, or Ms. Nettie, as she is affectionately called by everyone on the farm, has been a part of Pearson Farm most of her life.  The first time I met Ms. Nettie she hugged me as if we had known each other all our lives.  To her, I was already family, the wife of the blonde-headed little boy she had watched grow up in the orchards of Lee Pope.

Ms. Nettie's heart lies in these orchards, on these roads and inside these walls.  She will tell you that this farm is a part of her.  I'll tell you that she is one of the best parts of this farm.  Her warm smile and gentle spirit are balm to the weary soul.  Wisdom and sweetness drip like honey from her mouth.  I have no doubt her prayers have softened hearts and saved peach crops.  I know that I understand grace a little more because of her.  A conversation with Ms. Nettie typically ends with, "if God doesn't give me anything else, He has already given me more than enough."  There is truth and beauty in those words, and in the woman that speaks them so honestly.  ~Lanier Pearson

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