Alberto and Rosa continued
I spent some one on one time with Rosa and Alberto earlier this week gathering information for the second part of their post. As I sat with Rosa in her backyard, I was compelled to jot down these few words, Humble, Gentle, Beautiful, Loving, and Strong. The words were written to remind me of certain aspects of our interview but as I sat down to finish the story, these 5 words became her story. From the quiet, unassuming way she sat patiently listening to Israel and me speak about her family, came HUMBLE and GENTLE. I imagine this was the same way she waited for her husband to return home after months of traveling and working to provide for their ever growing family. There was an occasional nod when she understood my English words but mostly just that same sweet expression. I'm sure her children have seen that same look many times as she has taken great care of them over the years. I found myself drawn to her BEAUTIFUL face. Every line telling a story of sacrifice, hard work, and commitment. Her eyes that danced when she spoke of her husband and children. Especially when she told me how glad she was when they were finally all together again and of the incredible pride she feels for her children today. But I was mostly enamored with her STRONG arms that wrapped Israel in the sweetest birthday embrace. The LOVE was palpable. I felt blessed when she wrapped those arms around me as we left that day. What a morning it had been already……We found Alberto riding around in his truck checking on peach trees. He was ringing with sweat. I told him that he must be working too hard but with a little smile, he quickly replied that it was just too hot. I asked him if as a young boy, he ever imagined that his life would look like it does today. He shared that after his father died, he began looking for ways to better himself and be an example for his brother. From the times he spent at the drive- in theater learning English to signing papers at the American Consulate agreeing to never be a burden on the United States, his main focus was always “looking for the right way. Many of those lessons he learned from the men in his life back in Mexico while many others were gleaned as he moved from state to state working and watching others. With tears in my eyes, I said the one thing I have waited weeks to say to him, “I know you must be so proud of the life you and Rosa have provided for your family and how successful each of your 8 children are today." His response was simple, “Thanks, maybe I planted a seed for them to follow.” Maybe?? I believe he definitely planted a seed and one that has grown roots as deep and strong as the trees that are planted here at Pearson Farm. As I thanked him for allowing me to highlight his family and their journey, he left me with these words for Mr. Al……. “I am infinitely grateful to the Pearson's. From the very beginning, they took us into their life as if we were their family”……… Pearson Farm LOVES our “FAMILY”I want to thank all the people who have taken the time to follow our Pearson Farm page and read our stories. We have thoroughly enjoyed all your comments and posts. As peach season has come to an end, we will be taking a short hiatus to rest, relax and rejuvenate as we prepare for pecan season. We will pick up with our FAMILY posts in October. Don't stop visiting however, we will be posting many pictures of what's happening around the farm as we prepare for pecans. See you soon......